Jet Express

Tuesday, April 2nd

Exclusively for Seniors at Bishop Carroll and Kapaun Mt. Carmel

What is Jet Express?

Jet Express is your chance to cruise through the admissions process with the help of dedicated, trained professionals.

Who can attend?

Jet Express is a special visit opportunity just for the graduating classes at Bishop Carroll High School and Kapaun Mt. Carmel High School in Wichita, KS.

What to expect

We’ll meet you where you’re at, whether it be starting the admissions process or preparing for enrollment, we’ll help you take the next steps.

Where to Go

Sacred Heart Hall (2nd Floor)
(Building A on the Campus Map)
Visitor Parking: Available in Lot D and C

Jet express Care

Have Jet Express Questions?

If you have questions in regards to our Jet Express.

Please call 316-942-4242, ext. 2234 or email Georgia Drewes at  [email protected].

Newman University Admissions

Newman University 3100 McCormick Wichita, KS 67213-2097 316-942-4242